[IASA] (Fr. Association Internationale d'Archives Sonores et Audiovisuelles; Ger. Internationale Vereinigung der Schall- und Audiovisuellen Archive).
Organization founded in Amsterdam in 1969 to function as a medium for international cooperation between Sound archives. It has over 350 members in more than 52 countries, including representatives of the archives themselves, as well as other individuals involved with the collection, preservation and dissemination of recorded material. In addition to an annual conference, the IASA publishes the biannual IASA Journal (formerly the Phonographic Bulletin) and a quarterly Information Bulletin; a membership directory is also available. Its specialist publications include Sound Archives: a Guide to their Establishment and Development, ed. D. Lance (Milton Keynes, 1983), and Selection in Sound Archives, ed. H. Wallace (Milton Keynes, 1984), a collection of papers given at the annual conferences. In 1999 The IASA Cataloguing Rules were published (Aarhus, 1999), and they are available, together with various technical guidelines and copies of the Information Bulletin (1997–) at the IASA website: www.llgc.org.uk/iasa.