The book of customs and observances, following Benedictine tradition, for the monasteries of England (‘anglicae nationis monachorum sanctimonialiumque’) drawn up and approved by the Synod of Winchester in about 970; St Dunstan and St Ethelwold contributed to it. The preface acknowledges an indebtedness to the customs of Fleury and Ghent. Of prime importance in the history of liturgical drama are the detailed instructions for the singing of the dialogue Quem queritis at Easter Matins, ending with the Te Deum.
See also Medieval drama, §II, 2.
W.S. Logeman: ‘De consuetudine monachorum’, Anglia, new ser., i (1891), 365
T. Symons: Regularis concordia (London, 1953)
For further bibliography see Medieval drama.